Thursday 11 July 2013

The Snow Colossus: Making of pt. 1

 Yesterday I finally made a start on the Snow Colossus. I've been looking forward to this so much. This sculpture will be quite big and I am using techniques I have only read about. So this is a massive challenge. This is how far I've come and this is how far it will be done for a while now. I need to get sand to go inside him as he will be too top heavy when I attach his face and antlers. I also need to find good antlers still, which has proven quite hard. There is plenty of them out there but none of them have the perfect shape. Maybe I will just have to settle with something "less" perfect. I am just so picky!
 Anyway, here is the making of the Snow Colossus part one! Hope you'll enjoy even though he looks more like something a little bit naughty at the moment ;) lol

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the process! It looks amazing :)
    best wishes,
    Duni - via EBT
