Tuesday 8 January 2013

A Good Day...

 Good Morning world! Today is a good day! I have been feeling a bit down lately, mainly because I am an expert in stressing myself out over things that I shouldn't stress about. As you know I have been extremely busy during November and December. I worked really hard to keep my customers happy. Now many orders have been delayed by the postal system and there is nothing I can do about it. But I have had a few angry emails and I have let them get to me in a way that I shouldn't. I take set backs really hard though and I blame myself and let it take over. I need to learn to handle these things as it will happen again. Anyway, yesterday I had a good cry and a chat with my boyfriend who always pick me up when I am down. I have decided to stop taking things personally and work harder on being as happy and cheerful as I can be. So after a good night sleep I feel a million dollars again!

I had a couple of sleepless nights before last night and got some art done anyway. I am trying to explore different art styles to update my commercial portfolio. I've wanted to be part of an Art Agency for a while now, but since I have mainly focused on digital painting I think it might be a bit to complicated and not what companies look for when they look for a Graphic Designer. By joining my tattoo design knowledge with my digital art and creating something that I have never done before, I think I've come up with a pretty cool style. We'll see what happens, but I will definitely keep working on it. I think they would be nice art prints as well.

Also, I was given my first KidRobot DIY Vinyl Toy for Christmas! A 7" FOOMI! Best Christmas present EVA! Lol! I have started to sculpt his face as you can see, but there is still a few things I need, to be able to complete him. I was just so eager to start on him that it was the first thing I did when we came home after Christmas. Can't wait to finish him!

Today if time allows I will start Tomo's newest product as well. I can't say what it is just yet, since I don't know exactly what it will look like. However I will keep you up to date on the progress!

Oh and also I have updated my work area with a new bookcase and a whiteboard to help me being more organized! Do you like it? I love it!


  1. Its hard not to let negative feedback affect you isn't it, even when its not your fault in the first place! I'm really glad you're feeling better now :)

    Your sketches look amazing! You have such a talent x

    1. Thank you so much! Yes it is extremely hard, but as my boyfriend put it "You have had an amazing Christmas with loads of orders and profit. You're living your dream and you let a couple of angry people get to you when you have hundreds of happy customers praising your products. Isn't that pretty silly?" So when you put it that way I guess it is pretty silly.

      It makes it so much better to distance yourself and not let a little bit of negative feedback ruin all the good. There will always be people out there trying to make your life hard, but I am done letting them get to me. We Crafters and Artist are better than that! <3

  2. Skönt att du mår bättre! Det är som sagt svårt att inte påverkas av puckon men det är ju som sagt inget personligt. De vet ju inte ens vem du är egentligen! :)

    Jag saknar dig! (Och du är lika duktig som alltid.) Puss!

    1. Nej dem gor ju inte det och om dom vill vara arga pa mig for nagot jag inte kan gora nagot at och som inte ar mitt fel, sa far dom val vara det. Fran och med nu ska jag bara var glad och possitiv och jobba pa. Jag gor ju trots allt det som manga bara drommer om och som jag en gang dromde om med.

      Saknar dig med Helena! Jag maste komma hem snart! Jag kommer sjalv till pask om Ceri har for mycket att gora i skolan. Saknar er sa mycket sa det gor ont! <3

  3. WOW! I wish that I could sketch like that. GORGEOUS!

  4. Don't let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch, just remember all the really happy customers. You have no control over the postal system.
    By the way, I really like your blog layout! :)
