Sunday 16 June 2013

New Logo and the Snow Colossus

Ello peeps! I've been working a bit on the re-branding of Tomo. Here is the new logo that I hope all of you will like. I've put allot more effort in to this than I usually do and I really struggled to sort it out. I am very happy with the final result though and hope that you are too. I've spent the last four days in bed as I went through an operation on Wednesday. I have been bored stupid and it's given me a creative boost now that I have moved myself from the bed to my chair. So, not only am I trying to finish this re-branding off but I've got tuns of ideas for new sculptures as well...
This is a sketch of my next sculpture, the Snow Colossus (whenever I can afford to start it I don't know). This is be a big one! I plan to make him really big so I need to save up allot of money. I've got the wire to start the base with, but it will take allot of sculpey so have to wait on that part. I'm also trying to find a matching pair of antlers which is very hard. I want them to be naturally shed so if you come by any please give me a shout. It is so hard to find since the roe-deer normally only sheds one antler at a time.

Anyway, I'm back to the drawing board. Got tuns more stuff for you in a few days time! OH! And also, we only have to wait for the internet for one week at our new place, not one MONTH as we originally thought! YEEEY!

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